Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Best Time of The Year

November: my favorite month! It's a time to celebrate all of the things we are thankful for. My list happens to be abundant, and I will spare you 1/2 and hour of reading by revising and simplifying to these few precious things:

1. This November Cameron and I are celebrating our first wedding anniversary. A year ago (tomorrow) we said vows and made promises to love, honor, and cherish each other. We have not done it perfectly in this past year (nor am I expecting that we will ever go a year without some sort of slip up) but, we've grown more in this year than ever before in our lives. It is a victory and a milestone that we are both proud of... and I can personally say with confidence that these past few months have refreshed my respect and admiration for Cameron. Lately, I think about him and our life together and am overwhelmed with thankfulness to God! It's a "puppy love" sort of feeling that is not always a constant of marriage, and I think the timing of these feelings is perfectly appropriate. I'm a happy and thankful woman!

2. On to less mushy matters... November means something very simple and important to me: cool weather. I LOVE LAYERS! I love crisp air and boots. I love scarves and sweaters. I love chili in the crockpot, football on the TV, and a fire in the fireplace. It's fall.

3. I'm grateful for an END to this crazy crazy school semester. For the record, I am not meant to be a physicist. OR a computer engineer. I'm looking forward to an easier semester next year.

4. Okay - last one I promise! And I saved the best for last! I made a discovery this November that I am truly grateful for. Call me silly if you want... But, here it goes: Trader Joes Peppermint Hot Chocolate with Vanilla Coconut Milk. You guys, it's amazing! Try it.

Just add a few tablespoons to some warm Vanilla Coconut Milk, if you're feeling really crazy top it off with a dollop of whipped cream and enjoy the heavenly treat! While you're sipping, take a second to think about all of the things you have to be thankful for. I have a feeling it will be good for your soul and your stomach.
